22 Nisan 2012 Pazar


             In the first semester of this year, I have a presentation about autism and I have a text, some photos and a video about it.

Autism is a group of complex developmental brain disorders. In other words, autism is a physical condition linked to abnormal biology or chemistry in the brain.

What causes autism?

Researches show that the exact causes of these disorders remain unknown. But there is a combination of factors that lead to autism.

Genetic factors seem to be important. For example: both having autism, identical twins are much more likely than fraternal twins or siblings. Because identical twins have the same genes. Similarly,  autistic children generally have problems about language. Language abnormalities are more common in relatives of autistic children. These are roles of genetic factors.

The number of autistic events has increased since 1980s. the rate of autism is increasing between 10 and 17 percent annually. In 1980, autism was a very rare disorder, it was diagnosed in 1 of 10.000 children in the United States. Now, it impacts in 1of 110 children in the United States. In Turkey, in 1 of 150 children is diagnosed. Today, children in South Korea shows higher characteristics of autism than children in the United States. In 1 of 38 children is diagnosed in South Korea. This year more children are diagnosed with autism than AIDS and cancer & diabetes combined.

How is autism diagnosed?

There is not any medical test for autism. A diagnosis is based on observed behaviors and some educational  or psychological testing.

In the first year of their lives, many autistic children do not interact and avoid eye contact. They may resist attention or passively accept hugs. They may not seek comfort or respond to parents displays of affection r anger in a typical way. Although  they are attached to their parents, their expression of this attachment is unusual. Autism can affect the way a child perceives the world and make communication and social interaction difficult. All symptoms of autism typically last throughout a person’s lifetime.

Autistic children use language unusual way. They can not combine words into meaningful sentences. Some speaks only single words while some repeat the phrase over and over. But unfortunately some of them remain mute throughout their lives.

Children with autism are slower to interpret what others thinking and feeling. For example; smiling may have little meaning for them. For autistic child, COME HERE may always mean the same thing whether the speaker is smiling and extending her arms for a hug.

It can be difficult to understand for others what autistic children are able to say. Their body language may also be difficult for others. Their facial expressions, movements and gestures may not match what they are saying. Their tone of voice may not reflect their feelings.

Let's watch a video;

Autistic children can not share their experiences and comment about them. Because they do not think like others.

It is common for autistic people to have difficulty in regulating their emotions. This can take the form of immature behaviors such s crying in a class or verbal outbursts that seem inappropriate for people around them. They have tendency to lose control. At times they may breaks things, attack others or hurt themselves.

They may simply scream or grab what they ant. Until they are taught better way to express their needs. Autistic children can do whatever to get through to other.

Children and also individuals with autism might spend hours lining up their toys. Typical behaviors of autistic children are that they make their toys in order and they put objects or toys at the top of the other. 

Generally, they do not want any changes. A slight changes in their routines, such as mealtimes, clothing, taking a bath, time of going to school etc. can be extremely stressful for them. They want general order in their lives. Although they seem physically normal, odd repetitive motions may set them apart from other children and individuals repeatedly flap their arms or walk on their toes. Autism can wreck marriages, destroy parents health and challenge the lives of the extended family. For the person living with autism, this world is a deeply confusing, isolating and often unhappy place.

A famous autistic Temple Grandin said that she felt herself like an anthropolog in Mars because she did not have ability to understand the social communication.

About 30 percent of autistic children have severe pica. What is pica? Pica is a kind of eating disorder that includes eating non-food items such as paint, san, paper etc.

Sleep problems are also common in children and also adolescents with autism. 39 % of autistic people have also epilepsy.

Children as young as 1 year old can show signs of autism. The most important thing is that a parent or a caregiver should learn the early signs of autism. E.g. not back and forth sharing sounds, smiles by 9th months, no gestures and babbling by 12th months, no words by 16th months are crucial signs that parents should ask to a pediatrician for an immediate evaluation.

The United Nations declared that April 2nd Autism Awareness Day in order to increase and develop the world knowledge of autism. So, they want to give a voice to the millions of individuals in  worldwide who misunderstood, undiagnosed and looking for help. They invite us to join them to make their aim possible!